Bonding & White Fillings
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Bonding & White Fillings

October 29, 2020

Show Off a Beautiful Smile With Golf Links Dental

The bonding and white filling procedure is meant to give you that dynamic smile. Nowadays, everyone is looking for ways to achieve whiter looking teeth, but not everyone is able to afford porcelain or ceramic crowns. However, with advanced technology in dentistry, bonding and white filling has become very popular.

Purpose of Bonding and White Filling:

  • Repair chipped or cracked teeth.
  • Repair decayed teeth and filling of tooth cavity.
  • Whiten teeth.
  • Making some cosmetic changes on the teeth that will change the shape of the tooth, or make them look longer.
  • To protect the root of a tooth that may be exposed due to receding gums.
  • Used in place of the amalgam fillings.

Advantages of White Fillings or Bonding

There are several advantages associated with bonding and white filling alongside modern dental materials and procedures, which improve how you look as well as the function of your teeth. White fillings are made from a mixture of glass or quartz in resin medium and therefore the treatment has several advantages including:

  • The dentist will interfere less with the structure during the procedure of restoring the tooth with a white filling.
  • The filings are strong, durable, and also resistant to fractures.
  • The fillings effectively can replace the metal alloy fillings which can be unhealthy. In addition, the metal alloy fillings may cause an allergic reaction for some patients.
  • White fillings will adhesively bond inside a cavity and therefore repair a tooth effectively.

Both tooth restoration procedures are more affordable than many other cosmetic restoration procedures.

Bonding and White Filling Procedure

A bonding and white filling procedure never requires an anaesthetic. But the dentist will clean the tooth surface of all debris and tartar so that the bonding can be effective as possible.

Based on the colour of the surrounding teeth, the dentist will select the best white as the composite. The dentist will then etch the tooth surface with a specific gel, which will assist the bonding agent. The dentist will apply the bonding agent in three layers while the curing light continues to harden the installed composite.

The last procedure involves both buffing and polishing of the composite to acquire a good shape and finish.

Schedule your consultation with Golf Links Dental today!

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